Welcome to Sovietistan Travel
You are welcome with your own group; we organize your trip exactly as you wish - also in terms of dates!
The five 'stans,' Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan that makes Central Asia are sandwiched between China, Russia and Europe. Thus they make a geographical crossroads - the core of the Silk Road. Rich in history, culture and nature - the perfect travel destination.
Our core business is centred around roundtrips with tour leader in Central Asia, Western China, Mongolia, Japan, Russia and Canada. The tours are packaged with flights, accommodation and all land arrangements - transport, meals and excursions. The tours are led by our experienced and authorised tour leaders. Our groups are multinational, and always guided by multilangual tour leaders and local guides. With more than twenty-five years experience in Central Asia, we have become a well-known brand and respected travel company. Our extensive network in Central Asia and beyond have firmly cemented our partnerships.
WELCOME! Michael Westerbjerg Andersen, Owner & Tour Leader, Sovietistan Travel & Miksture Expeditions
Sommer i Kirgisistan - med lidt flere stjerner... Hvis du også er flækket af grin i selskab med Jan og Morten på deres rejse i Kirgisistan har du muligheden for at besøge os i det smukke Kirgisistan. Sommeren er den perfekte årstid. Solen skinner, her er varmt og forrygende smukt. Det er ferie i ordets bedste betydning og aktiv rejse. Perfekt for alle! Du kan svømme i Issyk-Kul søens krystalklare vand, overvære Kok-boro ('kast-med-død-ged'), drikke gæret hoppemælk, ride og dagsvandre - i det hele taget nyde alle de ting som Kirgisistan har at byde på.
PS/du kan også få severet fårehjerne/-øjne og gæret hoppemælk... Se programmet og kontakt os for et tilbud!
Best travel time: Ultimo March - October! Contact us for a great offer!
This Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan trip is a journey to Central Asia's welcoming and hospitable Silk Road cultures. The two countries are magnificent destinations anytime. Central Asia has always been a patchwork of ethnicities and traditions and travelers have throughout history feasted their senses on the countries intoxicating mix of culture, architecture, and dramatic landscapes of the fabled Tien Shan Mountains, endless steppes, and amazing deserts. We have composed a colorful palette of unique places and attractions representing Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan with respect for its people, culture, and features. We have included all highlights in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.
The tour is packaged with International and domestic flights, accommodation and all land arrangements including transport, meals, and excursions. The tours are led by our very carefully selected staff of experienced local guides. This is an active journey. Of course, the activity level will be adjusted so it fit all clients, and everyone can enjoy this journey. We know the areas and the conditions. We are well prepared and make priority to present comfortable accommodation, vehicles with experienced drivers and delicious, tasty, and healthy food mirroring the regions diverse cultures. Prior departure, we mail information and a detailed packing list about what to bring. Sovietistan Travel are of course always prepared to assist and explain, so please feel free to ask us about every matter. We travel comfortably through pristine landscapes in the desert and mountains along the Silk Road route, which used to be the main thoroughfare of world civilization, where not only goods but also science, ideas and religion were exchanged.
The most important thing about Central Asia is the unexpected - The adventure is still alive
Welcome to this wonderful adventure
Best period of travel: All-year round
Oplev Uzbekistan's smukke Silkevejsbyer på denne rundrejse med dank rejseleder. To afrejser.
Uzbekistan's Silk Road cities (Danish or/and English speaking) - The dream of the azure domes. 8-days.
Uzbekistan offers the modern-day traveler a journey back to a time when Tashkent, Bukhara and Samarkand, were once major trade centers on the lucrative Great Silk Road route. Tempting bazaars, sparkling azure domes, images of golden desert landscapes, and monuments heralding the religious glory are brought back to life. Uzbekistan still holds onto the vestiges of this glorious past. We follow their track to the legendary cities of Samarkand, Bukhara and Tashkent intertwined with their own unique modern-day atmosphere. Beautiful azure domes, thousand-year-old mosques, harem rooms and a colorful tangle of the most beautiful mosaics await everywhere. We dive into the myths and history here, where the realms of Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan and Timur Lenk arose, sparkled and burst. On the trip through Uzbekistan, we travel comfortably through pristine landscapes in the desert and mountains along the Silk Road route, which used to be the main thoroughfare of world civilization, where not only goods but also science, ideas and religion were exchanged. The adventure is still alive. Great cuisine. Informal travelling. English and Danish program available. Contact us for a great offer!
February to November - The Big Silk Road round trip - Sovietistan '5-stan; Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan' - with local guides. Contact us for a great offer!
The journey begin in Kazakhstan’s new capital Nur-Sultan with its modern architecture, e.g. Norman Foster’s award-winning architectural design and engineering with innovative, modern and sustainable approach, ALZHIR Gulag camp/museum, Nur Alem, the Kazakhstan Pavilion and Science Museum (a legacy of EXPO 2017), Almatys Ascension Cathedral, Medeo skating rink (“The factory of records”), Tashkent city tour, Nukus world famous Nukus Museum of Art (Savitsky Museum), Kunya Urgench (UNESCO), Darwaza gas crater "Gate to Hell," Ashgabat – the city of white marble, Nisa (UNESCO) ancient settlement, ancient Merv (UNESCO), famous Silk Road city Bukhara (UNESCO) with its splendid Citadel Ark, Poi Kalan Complex with Kalyan Mosque, Kalyan Minaret (Tower of Death) and Mir-i-Arab Madrasah, Gijduvan (ceramic), Samarkand (UNESCO) with abundance of unique monuments of ancient architecture, heritage of scientific and arts schools; Registan Square (considered to be one of the world’s most beautiful squares), Guri Amir Mausoleum, Shah-i-Zinda necropolis, Tajikistans Panjakent; Rudaki museum, Khujand, Kokand, Rishtan – oldest city of ceramic art, Margilans silk bazaars and factories, Fergana – ferghana Valleys fruit basket, Osh, Kyrgyzstans 3.000 year old Silk Road city and Sulayman mountain (UNESCO), Bishkek, capital of Kyrgyzstan, Burana ‘tower,’ Lake Issyk Kul and fabolous Tian-Shan Mountains, Karakol (former Przhevalsk), administrative centre of eastern Issyk-Kul region, excursion to the beautiful Tian Shan mountains, Przhevalsky Museum, Dungan Mosque, Jeti Oghuzs, ”Seven Bulls’ and Bokonbaeva; handmade felt & Shyrdak (nomadic traditional carpets).
Tag med Sovietistan Travel til blomstrende og forfriskende Usbekistan der emmer af forår og duftende abrikostræer. Navruz er forårets første dag og begyndelsen på det persiske nytår. Navruz bliver fejret d. 21.marts i Usbekistan og festen er spredt over flere dage der fejres med koncerter og optog. Silkevejens karavanebyer har gennem århundreder været verdenscivilisationens hovedfærdselsåre, besøgt af tungt læssede kameler og handlende. Vi følger deres spor til de legendariske byer Samarkand, Margilan og Tasjkent, hvor funklende kupler, gamle moskéer og minaretter udgør et farvemættet virvar i smukke mosaikker. Vi begynder rundrejsen i Usbekistans hovedstad Tasjkent. Herfra kører vi i biler (3 deltagere i hver bil) til Fergana-regionen. Her tilbringer vi spændende og berigende dage. Retur til Tasjkent og videre til Timur Lenks fødeby Shakhrisabz for at havne i Samarkand med de magisk smukke azurblå kupler, minareter og enestående bygningsværker. Vi har lagt ruten så den fører igennem nogle flere af de smukkeste Silkevejsbyer og vi besøger områder, der endnu ikke er blevet overrendt af turister. Her strækker blomstrende abrikoslunde og mandeltræer sig mellem vinmarker og hyggelige små landsbyer langs de spektakulære kirgisiske bjerge på grænsen mellem Tadsjikistan Kirgisistan og Usbekistan. Her venter eksotiske og krydderiduftende basarer med farvestrålende silkeboder blandt venlige forretningsdrivende og lokalbefolkning. Våren kommer tidligt til denne del af Usbekistan, og med våren kommer blomstrende abrikoslunde og mandel-/kirsbær-/ferskentræer blandt vinmarker og charmerende landsbyer. Så langt tilbage som i det 10. århundrede var Margilan kendt for handlen og produktionen af smukke silkestoffer. Her produceres den berømte khanatlas, vævet og farvet håndværk med respekt for de gamle traditioner. Forbløffende i skønhed og originalitet. I løbet af opholdet besøger vi også en særegen yngleplads for Hvid Stork. I århundreder har storke benyttet spredtstående redetræer på en muslimsk gravplads. Nogle af rederne har fantastiske dimensioner, og stedet rummer en særegen og fredelig stemning som ubetinget er en herlig udfordring for fotografer. Den sagnomspundne og romantiske Samarkand får også et besøg med på vejen. Den gamle by er optaget på UNESCO’s verdensarvsliste og rummer bl.a. den mytiske og smukke Registanplads, der ligger i det centrale Samarkand. Ud over Registanpladsen skal vi se Gur-Emir, en anden af Samarkands smukke bygninger, og Shah-i-Zinda-nekropolen. Vi har planlagt at tilbringe 21.marts med et besøg i Shakhrisabz, historisk kendt som Kesh eller Kish. I dag er byen primært kendt som fødestedet for den tyrkisk-mongolske erobrer Timur fra det 14. århundrede. Vi har god tid undervejs til at nyde og fordybe os i den særlige usbekiske stemning. Her er eksotisk duftende basarer, markeder, boder hvor man kan købe smukt kunsthåndværk til priser der kan forhandles til en gensidig tilfredshed. Dette er også en rejse til flere ”klassiske” og mindre kendte Silkevejsby-seværdigheder, og giver den rejsende en gennemført og grundig oplevelse af det imødekommende land, hvor eventyret stadig fornemmes. Kontakt os for et godt tilbud!
November or March 2025 - Kyrgyzstan - IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF THE SNOW LEOPARD; Wildlife expedition in remote Tien-Shan Mountains with Michael Westerbjerg Andersen
“During all my years in Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia, I never have experienced such wild nature and fantastic wildlife as this area along the Chinese border"
We have made this expedition since 2009 and with increasingly success. The chance seeing a Snow Leopard is currently 75%; however never guaranteed. This area is by no means for the comfortable relaxed type of travelers. This is tough expedition to a rough world. There are no dangerous aspects or unsafe things awaiting the traveler. We just must emphasize that this tour truly is a wildlife expedition where the environments such as cold climate and harsh roads really demands patience and understanding of the concept by you - the traveler! We simply cannot predict the weather, circumstances, and we cannot tell exactly when we arrive or how long we will be on the road. However, what we CAN predict, and promise is a visit to a truly magnificent area, and an adventure in the northern Himalayas very few people have experienced. In addition, can we promise the most experienced staff, enough and tasty food, and… fantastic nature and wildlife!
This expedition will try to reveal some of the unique mammals seen in Northern Himalaya. Unique mammals are on our target list: Argali, Siberian Ibex, Wolf and of course – great birds. We also hope of watching one of the most mythic animals on globe – the Snow Leopard, but we don’t deal with pure Snow Leopard Expeditions as its simply too difficult to make agreements with the Snow Leopard, however Miksture possess one of the world’s highest success rates when it comes to finding a wild Snow Leopard. All details are fixed and ready. On this expedition, we travel deep into the heart of the Snow Leopards kingdom, and with the expertise of our team, our chances for an encounter are reasonable. Contact us for a great offer!
Silkevejens karavanebyer har gennem århundreder været besøgt af tungt læssede kameler og handlende. Vi følger deres spor til de legendariske byer Samarkand, Bukhara og Tasjkent. Overalt venter funklende turkis kupler, tusinde år gamle moskéer, haremsgemakker og et farvemættet virvar af de smukkeste mosaikker. Usbekistan tilbyder den moderne rejsende en rejse tilbage til en tid, hvor Tasjkent, Bukhara og Samarkand, var store handelscentre på Silkevejen. En skøn blanding af smukke bygværker og hverdagsliv i Usbekistan.
Rejsetidspunkt: 1.februar -1.juli, og 20.august - 1.december. Kontakt Sovietistan Travel, få rådgivning, praktisk information og et godt tilbud! Vi hjælper med alle rejsens aspekter, og arrangerer indkvartering, og varighed som du/I ønsker. Velkommen! Kontakt os for et godt tilbud!